#rdfms-rdf-names-use: don't use syntax to limit the use of logical constants [was: Agenda ...]

bwm@hplb.hpl.hp.com wrote:
> 15: Issue #rdfms-rdf-names-use
> Propose the WG
>   o resolves that the use of rdf:Description except as the name of a
>     description element is an error
>   o resolves that the use of rdf:ID, rdf:about, rdf:resource, rdf:bagID,
>     rdf:parseType except as reserved names as specified in the grammar
>     is an error

fine up to here; these names are purely syntactic, and I'm
happy to have their syntax limited this way...

>   o resolves that the use of rdf:Bag, rdf:Alt and rdf:Seq except as typed
>     nodes is an error

I'd prefer not to go there. The nice thing about container
decisions to date is that rdf:Bag etc. are *not* special
syntax; they're just logical constants.

I can live with it, though.

>   o resolves that the use of rdf:li as a typed node is an error

yes, please. rdf:li is syntax as well.

>   o resolves that the use of a container membership property (rdf:_nnn) as a
>     typed node is an error

Again, please: no.
rdf:_nnn is a logical constant, not special syntax.

>   o resolves that test case
> http://www.w3.org/2000/10/rdf-tests/rdfcore/rdf-containers-syntax-vs-schema/test005.rdf
>     be obsoleted
>   o resolves that  a copy of that test case be created as an error test case
>   o actions DaveB to create test cases for the above cases
>   o actions DaveB to identify any similar cases to those above and create
>     test cases to cover them also

yes, please.

> See:
>   http://www.w3.org/2000/03/rdf-tracking/#rdf-containers-syntax-ambiguity
>   http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2001Nov/0417.html

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/

Received on Thursday, 15 November 2001 12:39:31 UTC