RE: incomplete datatyping (was: Re: datatypes and MT)

>Thanks for the info.
>This actually makes the example of the size property
>even more meaningful, as it shows the ambiguity even
>more clearly. Since there is no single derived type
>"responsible" for disambiguation, there is no explicit
>means to decide *which* range should be used to interpret
>the non-locally typed literal.

True, but this seems to be a general problem with any datatyping 
scheme, even the URV idea. If I use a URV with a 'unioned' type name, 
something has to be able to fit the right part of the datatype 
mapping with the particular lexical form it finds itself combined 
with. God help us if we allow a union of decimal and octal.


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Received on Thursday, 8 November 2001 19:12:01 UTC