RDF/XML Syntax Revised WD for review

I attach a copy of the syntax document for your consideration
for publication as a working draft.  I think the following people
were actioned to review it (no minutes as of this date recording it)

  Jeremy Carroll
  Jos De Roo
  Patrick Stickler

but others, feel free :)

The attached files corresponds to CVS version 1.333 of 

(CVS http://cvs.ilrt.org/cvsweb/redland/rdfcore/syntax/index.html )

plus the attached relaxng which are for information, not part of
the document, but are intended to be published with the working draft.

I think I need to carry on trying to improve the very new section 2
but it could be published as is.

# RELAX NG Schema (non-XML) for RDF/XML Syntax
# This schema is for information only and NON-NORMATIVE
# It is based on one originally written by James Clark in
# http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-comments/2001JulSep/0248.html
# and updated with later changes.

namespace local = ""
namespace rdf = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
datatypes xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes"

start = doc
doc = 

  element rdf:RDF { nodeElementList }

nodeElementList = 

  # Should be something like:
  #  ws* , (  nodeElement , ws* )*
  # but RELAXNG does this by default, ignoring whitespace separating tags.

nodeElement =
  element * - (local:*
               |rdf:li ) {
      (idAttr | aboutAttr )?, bagIdAttr?, propertyAttr*, propertyEltList

  # FIXME: Not sure if it is possible to say "and not things
  # beginning with _ in the rdf: namespace".

ws = 
  " "

  # Not used in this RELAX NG schema; but should be any legal XML
  # whitespace defined by http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006#NT-S

propertyEltList = 

  # Should be something like:
  #  ws* , ( propertyElt , ws* )*
  # but RELAXNG does this by default, ignoring whitespace separating tags.

propertyElt = 
  resourcePropertyElt | 
  literalPropertyElt | 
  parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt |
  parseTypeResourcePropertyElt |
  parseTypeOtherPropertyElt |

resourcePropertyElt = 
  element * - (local:*
	       |rdf:bagID|rdf:parseType|rdf:resource) {
      idAttr?, nodeElement

literalPropertyElt =
  element * - (local:*
	       |rdf:bagID|rdf:parseType|rdf:resource) {
      idAttr?, text 

parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt = 
  element * - (local:*
               |rdf:bagID|rdf:parseType|rdf:resource) {
      idAttr?, parseLiteral, literal 

parseTypeResourcePropertyElt = 
  element * - (local:*
               |rdf:bagID|rdf:parseType|rdf:resource) {
      idAttr?, parseResource, propertyEltList

parseTypeOtherPropertyElt = 
  element * - (local:*
               |rdf:bagID|rdf:parseType|rdf:resource) {
      idAttr?, parseOther, any

emptyPropertyElt =
   element * - (local:*
		|rdf:bagID|rdf:parseType|rdf:resource) {
       (idAttr | resourceAttr)?, bagIdAttr?, propertyAttr* 

idAttr = 
  attribute rdf:ID { 

aboutAttr = 
  attribute rdf:about { 

bagIdAttr = 
  attribute rdf:bagID {

propertyAttr = 
  attribute * - (local:* 
		 |rdf:bagID|rdf:parseType|rdf:resource) {

resourceAttr = 
  attribute rdf:resource {

parseLiteral = 
  attribute rdf:parseType {

parseResource = 
  attribute rdf:parseType {

parseOther = 
  attribute rdf:parseType {

URI-reference = 

literal =

IDsymbol = 

any =
  mixed { element * { attribute * { text }*, any }* }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<grammar xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
    <ref name="doc"/>
  <define name="doc">
    <ref name="RDF"/>
  <define name="RDF">
    <element name="rdf:RDF">
      <ref name="nodeElementList"/>
  <define name="nodeElementList">
      <ref name="nodeElement"/>
  <define name="nodeElement">
          <nsName ns=""/>
          <ref name="idAttr"/>
          <ref name="aboutAttr"/>
        <ref name="bagIdAttr"/>
        <ref name="propertyAttr"/>
      <ref name="propertyEltList"/>
  <define name="ws">
    <value> </value>
  <define name="propertyEltList">
      <ref name="propertyElt"/>
  <define name="propertyElt">
      <ref name="resourcePropertyElt"/>
      <ref name="literalPropertyElt"/>
      <ref name="parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt"/>
      <ref name="parseTypeResourcePropertyElt"/>
      <ref name="parseTypeOtherPropertyElt"/>
      <ref name="emptyPropertyElt"/>
  <define name="resourcePropertyElt">
          <nsName ns=""/>
        <ref name="idAttr"/>
      <ref name="nodeElement"/>
  <define name="literalPropertyElt">
          <nsName ns=""/>
        <ref name="idAttr"/>
  <define name="parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt">
          <nsName ns=""/>
        <ref name="idAttr"/>
      <ref name="parseLiteral"/>
      <ref name="literal"/>
  <define name="parseTypeResourcePropertyElt">
          <nsName ns=""/>
        <ref name="idAttr"/>
      <ref name="parseResource"/>
      <ref name="propertyEltList"/>
  <define name="parseTypeOtherPropertyElt">
          <nsName ns=""/>
        <ref name="idAttr"/>
      <ref name="parseOther"/>
      <ref name="any"/>
  <define name="emptyPropertyElt">
          <nsName ns=""/>
          <ref name="idAttr"/>
          <ref name="resourceAttr"/>
        <ref name="bagIdAttr"/>
        <ref name="propertyAttr"/>
  <define name="idAttr">
    <attribute name="rdf:ID">
      <ref name="IDsymbol"/>
  <define name="aboutAttr">
    <attribute name="rdf:about">
      <ref name="URI-reference"/>
  <define name="bagIdAttr">
    <attribute name="rdf:bagID">
      <ref name="IDsymbol"/>
  <define name="propertyAttr">
          <nsName ns=""/>
      <data type="string"/>
  <define name="resourceAttr">
    <attribute name="rdf:resource">
      <ref name="URI-reference"/>
  <define name="parseLiteral">
    <attribute name="rdf:parseType">
  <define name="parseResource">
    <attribute name="rdf:parseType">
  <define name="parseOther">
    <attribute name="rdf:parseType">
  <define name="URI-reference">
    <data type="string"/>
  <define name="literal">
    <ref name="any"/>
  <define name="IDsymbol">
    <data datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes" type="NMTOKEN"/>
  <define name="any">
          <ref name="any"/>

Received on Tuesday, 11 December 2001 12:32:33 UTC