Re: F2F action point 2001-08-02#10 and issue rdfs-constraining-containers

Jan Grant wrote:


> The message that started this thread actually referred to the AP at
> (which I don't think made the minutes...?)

Hmmm.  Yes, I've got a problem reconciling the notes from the on screen

and the logs

The on screen document makes no mention of the action to describe how to 
add to RDFS and says that we expect higher layer languages to handle this
problem, in which case I'm not sure we would have asked Jan to figure
out how to add it (I presume to RDFS).

This also links up with Aaron's suggestion that we should show how this
can be done with DAML+OIL.

Can anyone help clarify?

As its in the log, I've added to the minutes, an action on Jan  to provide
an explanation of how sub-classing containers could be added to RDF Schema.
We can consider at the telecon whether this is in fact the right action.


Received on Thursday, 23 August 2001 08:58:11 UTC