Re: containers test0004 baffles me

[I am doing this offline from memory, I did not succeed in checking it
before sending]

containers test0004 involves the fourth expansion of the property element
production rule 6.12.

By the decision to drop all the special container rules, this expnasion then
applies to rdf:li. By paragraph 232 (which is so horrible its number!) this
fourth expansion is different from the others, in that it does not reify,
but the ID is the ID of the resource.

in my opinion para 232 is an error, and is addressed in the unresolved issue

I did some archaelogy on this one, and as far as I could tell, this
paragraph dates from the early days before the first working group resolves
issues 4, 7 ,11 and they still had a certain amount of confusion about
referring to a resource and referring to the description of the resource. I
think it is a hard call whether to delete paragraph 232 or preserve it for
the sake of backwards compatibility.

> I guess my implementation will raise a "not supported"
> exception in that case; I don't see sufficient value
> to implement this.

test0005 is also difficult for some parser writers (e.g. me). It is fine if
you really are using an XSLT transform to process rdf:li, but if you're not
you need some fairly horrid special code for processing a corner case that
nobody in their right mind would rely on. ARP does it, but I personally am
very sympathetic to a not supported exception.


Received on Wednesday, 22 August 2001 14:07:47 UTC