Re: New RDF model theory (well, damn nearly)

[It's even better now with the exercises, so let's try]

> Exercise: Calculate the truthvalues of the triples
> c a c
> b b b
> c b a
> in this interpretation.

c a c false
b b b false
c b a true

> More advanced exercise: Write six distinct triples in
> this vocabulary and define another interpretation which
> makes three of them true and the other three false.

six distinct triples (true in the given interpretation)
  a b c
  b b c
  c b b
  a a c
  c a a
  c a b
and the interpretation
  IR={1,2}; IP={1}
gives only true triples
  a b c
  b b c
  a a c

> Exercise:  Consider the RDF graph defined by the following triples:
> _:x a b
> c b _:x
> _:x a c
> Is this graph true or false in the interpretation given in the
> previous exercise?

(triple 1 and triple 3 can not be both true)

> How about the graphs formed from just the first triple, and from
> just the last two triples?

both true

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Thursday, 16 August 2001 12:10:28 UTC