Kathryn Esplin
- W3C Issues SMIL as a Proposed Recommendation
- W3C Issues MathML as a Recommendation - Testimonials
- W3C Issues MathML as a Recommendation - Fact Sheet
- W3C Issues MathML as a W3C Recommendation
Sally Khudairi
- W3C NEWS: W3C Issues First Public Draft of Browser Accessibility Guidelines
- TESTIMONIALS: The World Wide Web Consortium Issues SMIL 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation
- W3C NEWS: The World Wide Web Consortium Issues SMIL 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation
- W3C News: Testimonials on P3P
- W3C News: Announcing First Public Working Draft of P3P
- Testimonials: CSS2 Recommendation
- Fact Sheet: CSS2 Recommendation
- W3C News: W3C Issues CSS2 as a Recommendation