Testimonials: CSS2 Recommendation

The World Wide Web Consortium Issues CSS2 as a W3C Recommendation 


   In English: Adobe Systems · Case Western
   Reserve University · Electricité de France ·
   Macromedia · Microsoft · Netscape · Silicon
   Graphics · SoftQuad · Studio Verso 

   En Français: Electricité de France · Web
   Accessibility Initiative 

      "Inclusion of aural cascading style sheets
      (ACSS) in CSS2 brings one step closer the
      vision of ubiquitous information access in a
      manner best suited to the user's needs.
      Motivated initially by the need to present
      Webformation efficiently to users with visual
      impairments (see Emacspeak for the first
      ACSS enabled user environment) -- ACSS
      will have a significant impact on the use of
      the WWW by functionally blind users such
      as automobile drivers wishing to browse
      information when on the road. Like the
      invention of the telephone (which was a
      direct consequence of work on hearing aids)
      ACSS once again proves the benefits of
      work on alternative interfaces to all users." 
      -- T. V. Raman, Advanced Technology
      Group, Adobe Systems Incorporated 

      "Together with W3C and NIST, Case
      Western Reserve University has established
      a CSS1 test suite. This suite is provided
      freely and openly to browser developers
      and Web designers alike, so that they may
      test current and upcoming implementations
      of CSS support. Testing will soon expand to
      cover CSS2 as well, and will be improved
      over time by community feedback and input.
      CWRU is proud of its role in creating this
      suite, and we hope it will be useful to the
      Web community as a whole." 
      -- Eric A. Meyer, Hypermedia Systems
      Manager, Case Western Reserve

      "Electricité de France, the largest electricity
      producer in the world, believes that CSS 2
      is a major spec that will help us building,
      managing and distributing our internal
      documents, and will make the distribution of
      our on-line corporate information easier. We
      are now waiting for vendors' support and
      expect from their tools a full conformance to
      the specification. We'd like to congratulate
      W3C for this spec and especially for the
      Aural Style Sheets section." 
      -- Jean-Marie Bernard, Chief of Data
      Processing and Applied Mathematics
      Department, Electricité de France 

      "CSS2 is a major step forward in bringing
      precise control of visual design to the web.
      As members of the W3C and as an active
      participant in the CSS working group,
      Macromedia is committed to increasing the
      web's expressiveness and helping to
      develop leading-edge tools that support the
      W3C standards for web designers." 
      -- Sho Kuwamoto, Senior Software
      Engineer, Macromedia Dreamweaver 

      " W3C has successfully moved a critical
      standard forward with CSS2. Microsoft is
      committed to standards and provides
      leading support for CSS today in Internet
      Explorer 4.0." 
      -- David Cole, Vice President of Web
      Client and Consumer Experience
      Division, Microsoft 

      "Today's announcement regarding the
      Cascading Style Sheets 2 specification
      (CSS2) is great news for Internet users and
      the Internet developer community at large.
      CSS provides a style sheet language which
      gives developers and users rich control over
      the display of HTML and XML documents.
      As the first commercial product to
      demonstrate the use of Cascading Style
      Sheets with both HTML and XML in the
      source code for Netscape Communicator
      5.0, Netscape continues to recognize the
      importance of open standard technology
      and the role the W3C plays in its
      development. Netscape looks forward to
      supporting CSS2 in a future version of
      --Jim Hamerly, Vice President, Client
      Products, Netscape 

      "CSS2 will vastly improve the ability of an
      HTML authors and users to obtain the
      formatting results they desire without
      recourse to awkward HTML constructs
      never intended for the purpose. In addition,
      CSS2's inclusion of support for aural style
      sheets will be important for both the visually
      impaired as well as those who need to get
      information without reading a computer
      screen or printout." 
      -- Douglas Rand, Technical Staff, Web
      Publishing, Silicon Graphics, Inc. 

      "SoftQuad has always been committed to
      providing standards-based solutions to our
      customers. The new CSS2 specification
      represents an important milestone in
      defining interoperable style formats for use
      on the web. The style sheet language
      includes many important features and
      functions web authors have been asking for.
      We are committed to providing more CSS
      support in our authoring tools." 
      -- Lauren Wood, Technical Product
      Manager, SoftQuad, Inc. 

      "With CSS2 and the Core Styles, CSS
      moves beyond the 'good idea' phase and
      becomes a critical element of a new, more
      attractive, and manageable Web, where
      substance and style complement one
      another as peers." 
      -- Todd Fahrner, Studio Verso 

      "Electricité de France, premier producteur
      électrique au monde, est convaincue de
      l'intérêt majeur de la spécification CSS 2 qui
      nous aidera à construire, gérer et publier
      nos ensembles documentaires internes et
      facilitera notre communication externe en
      ligne. Nous attendons désormais
      l'intégration de ce standard par les éditeurs
      de logiciels et espérons une conformité
      totale à la spécification. Nous adressons au
      W3C nos félicitations pour cette
      spécification, et plus particulièrement pour
      la section Aural Style Sheets." 
      -- Jean-Marie Bernard, Chef du Service
      Informatique et Mathématiques
      Appliquées, Electricité de France 

      "Les functionalités de présentation
      avancées offertes par CSS2 donnent aux
      créateurs de pages Web un contrôle très
      étendu sans sacrifier pour autant l'accés au
      Web pour les utilisateurs handicapés. En
      particulier, CSS2 améliore le contrôle de
      l'utilisateur final sur la mise en page, l'ordre
      de chargement des feuilles de styles, un
      meilleur support pour plusieurs types de
      media, et un nouvel ensemble de propriétés
      pour les présentations audio." 
      --Judy Brewer, Directeur du Programme
      International du WAI (Web Accessibility
      Initiative du W3C)

Received on Tuesday, 12 May 1998 14:59:14 UTC