Re: minimal canonicalization

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At 03:07 PM 7/24/2002 -0400, Joseph Reagle wrote:
>On Wednesday 24 July 2002 01:13 pm, Carl Ellison wrote:
>> We actually have devices that are resource constrained and need to
>> do minimal canonicalization (as part of UPnP), but the way this
>> recommendation is written, it suggests that the constrained device
>> control its output.
>Is the constrained device generating a signature. If so, yes, it's 
>generating and controlling it's output.
>>  In fact, if we have two devices, one powerful
>> and doing C14-N and one constrained, it is the powerful one that
>> has to make sure its output is canonicalized.
>I don't yet understand the scenario.

We are using XML DSig to sign SOAP commands for UPnP.  Each SOAP
command is an XML structure.  We aren't signing documents but rather
messages (or parts of messages, to be more precise).

In that case, you have a sender and a receiver.  If the sender is
powerful, it is generating the signature and controlling its output,
but it has no reason to use anything but C14N.  However, the receiver
is limited in CPU power (and possibly memory) and needs to
canonicalize the incoming message in order to verify the signature. 
That's the one that can't afford C14N.

 - Carl

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|Carl Ellison      Intel Labs        E: |
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|Hillsboro OR 97124                  F: +1-503-264-6225  |
|PGP Key ID: 0xFE5AF240              C: +1-503-819-6618  |
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Received on Wednesday, 24 July 2002 20:41:22 UTC