Re: History: Question on C14N list of nodes instead of subtrees

>I'm not averse to more transforms; it would be useful to get an idea for
>how much motivation there might be to make changes at this point.  My
>position is that 
>	if the problem is important enough (e.g. good idea but too slow
>in a frequently occuring scenario), and
>	if it is easy for the implementations to be tweaked, 
>	then let's fix it before REC.
>So, before we stop the presses and re-architect anything, it would be
>useful to find out exactly how important the problem is.  By this I mean
>the mundane question of how frequently occuring the scenario is, but
>also the more interesting question of whether the slowness is really an
>inherent limitation we are hitting with XPath or just an implementation

I don't think that we need to change the spec or anything;
we can just throw up a new doc like exclusive c14n, or even
just add to the extra algorithms doc. I may try running
some tests if I have the time.


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Received on Thursday, 24 January 2002 22:59:38 UTC