PrefixList: whitespace or commas (Was: Notes on xml-exc-c14n rev 1.21)

Ok, I recall that Merlin did object to the level of specificity (comma 
seperated) but even then noted the need for a "token" to represent the 
default namespace nodes. I don't think "" is sufficient with a whitespace 
delimited list because then its awkward to specify, for example, n1 and "" 
: "n1   " . I'm not sure where we lost the default namespace (anyone else 
recall?) but we need to account for it again. Do we coin a token, go back 
to John's commas, or something else? (Merlin?) 


On Thursday 10 January 2002 13:22, John Boyer wrote:
> Joseph Reagle wrote:
> However, I wonder what if their is a semantic difference between a
> missing
> InclusiveNamespace PrefixList and one equal to "" ?
> <jb>
> Yes, there should be, though it is no longer specified.  In the 5 July
> 2001 draft, I had the following text for #3 (Pertinent meant that it
> would be in the output):
> The Exclusive XML Canonicalization method receives an additional string
> parameter UnsuppressedNamespacePrefixList containing a comma separated
> list of namespace prefixes that are not to be suppressed (e.g.
> "ns1,ns2,ns3" with no intervening whitespace). Any namespace node that
> declares a namespace prefix in this list is automatically pertinent. If
> there is an empty entry in the UnsuppressedNamespacePrefixList (e.g.
> ",ns1" or "ns1," or "ns1,,ns2"), then default namespace nodes are
> automatically pertinent.
> </jb>


Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Thursday, 10 January 2002 15:18:02 UTC