Typo in 6.6.3 XPath Filtering

Typo in 6.6.3 XPath Filtering

For example, the markup <e>Hello, <!-- comment --> world!</e> contains two 
text nodes.
(e.g. by using the expression self::text()[string(parent::e)="Hello, 

In the markup example, there are 2 spaces (left and right of the comment), 
in the XPath expr., there is only one space between between the comma and 
world. Either we have to use:

<e>Hello, <!-- comment -->world!</e>
self::text()[string(parent::e)="Hello, world!"]

<e>Hello, <!-- comment --> world!</e>
self::text()[string(parent::e)="Hello,  world!"]


Received on Friday, 10 August 2001 04:32:48 UTC