RE: XPath Expression


I am glad to see that someone else is concerned about this issue. As for the
tool, it is currently internal as it uses RSA's XML Signature
implementation, but as soon as I can get an open-source versions of
everything, I can post it somewhere useful.

Additionally, XPath tutorials that you mention (such as the one at actually *add* to the confusion instead of helping things (for
XML Signatures anyhow). The expressions that you use for selecting an
individual element work differently because XML Signatures calculate a
boolean value for each node in the node set. This has been a source of
confusion for many developers.

Kind Regards,

Blake Dournaee
Toolkit Applications Engineer
RSA Security
"The only thing I know is that I know nothing" - Socrates

-----Original Message-----
From: Hans Granqvist []
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 8:42 AM
To: Dournaee, Blake
Cc:; ''
Subject: Re: XPath Expression

"Dournaee, Blake" wrote:
> ...
> The reason why I asked was because I am focusing on the usability side
> of our XML Dsig toolkit - our customers (developers) must be able to
> understand XPath well-enough to be able to make useful,
> *well-understood*, transformations for the power of XPath to be fully
> realized.

This is a very good point. When developing the Verisign DSIG toolkit
that is part of XKMS [1], we found that the complexity of XPath is a 
factor that may hinder usage of such an API.

> One problem right now is that it is difficult, if not impossible, to
> see what you have actually signed if an XPath expression is employed.
> That is, right now, you can "set" an expression and then make a
> signature - but if your expression is wrong or improper, there is no
> feedback in the final <Signature> structure that gives you a hint that
> you goofed. The problem gets compounded further if this signature is
> sent off and it verifies improperly. This sends developers on a huge
> bug-hunt for the problem.

Oh yes, been there, done that. ;)  

This problem is aggravated if the XPath expressions used are relative 
to a context node, e.g., containing "..", the implementation needs to 
be aware of what is legal and not. 

Many users also tend to want to stuff "here()" into a
reference XPath (not XPath transform) where it is not defined.

On the receiving end, during validation, the problem lies in knowing 
that the signature reference you process is indeed over what you
think it is. With the complexity of XPath, it therefore seems a must
that the schema or business process in use between parties should 
stipulate the exact expected XPath expression so that no ambiguity 
exists what is signed. 

Our toolkit implements an "isSigned(XPath)" function that returns
true if the XPath expression is a subset what is signed. It seems
somewhat useful.

> ...
> To alleviate the confusion in this area, I am working on a sample
> application that takes an arbitrary input XML file and an XPath
> expression, and then performs (and then canonicalizes) the output and
> spits it back out. This type of mechanism allows customers to "see"
> what they are actually signing after an XPath expression occurs.

That tool sounds cool. Are you planning to make it available? I know
that [2] has an online tool that lets you shoot XPaths at a doc
and see the result in color-coded glory.

> ...
> Joseph: What is the possibility of drafting a W3C Note that contains a
> set of "cooked" XPath expressions for performing common tasks? I am
> guessing this would be a godsend to developers who are struggling with
> this issue.

And, to continue the reasoning above, how can these pre-cooked 
expressions be pre-defined inside a schema? I could think of immediate
uses, such as, in XKMS, defining, in XPath expression, what the 
signature over requests and responses *must* be. 

Hans Granqvist, Verisign

   (Note, this is a proposed API that will be part of the next XKMS
     release-- not the one that is currently downloadable.)

    (seems down at the moment. 
     for examples made with the tool.)

Received on Thursday, 9 August 2001 08:42:30 UTC