Re: Comments on "XML-Signature Syntax and Processing"

[ Results of this discussion are in the editors' copy (in the schema/dtd and 
in the spec):

At 21:58 12/16/2000 +0900, wrote:
>I am comparing the XML Schema version and your latest DTD version.
>I have some more questions and comments.
>1) The schema version allows KeyInfo to contain SPKIData, but the DTD
>does not.

Ok, now included:

<!ELEMENT KeyInfo       (#PCDATA|KeyName|KeyValue|RetrievalMethod|
             X509Data|PGPData|SPKIData|MgmtData %KeyInfo.ANY;)* >
         Id      ID       #IMPLIED >


>2) What is SPKIData?  This exists only in the XML Schema version.

>3) The DTD version does not allow customization of contents of PGPData.

You are right (schema *does* permit ANY in PGPData). However, X509Data and 
SPKIData do not presume that you will add external elements to those element 
types; instead should someone ever define an authoratitive structure, that 
structure will be the child of KeyInfo, not our placeholder. So I will 
remove the ANY from PGPData:

    <complexType name="PGPDataType">
          <element name="PGPKeyID" type="string"/>
          <element name="PGPKeyPacket" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>

>4) In the XML Schema version, KeyValue can have only one DSAKeyValue,
>but can have more than two external key values.  Is this really

I think not. As the text says, "The KeyValue element contains a single 
public key" I will change its declaration to (which by default means 1):

    <complexType name="KeyValueType" mixed="true">
        <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>

>5) When <any> is used in the XML Schema version, mixed="true" is
>sometimes specified and sometimes not.  Again, is this really
>- Not Specified
>    - CanonicalizationMethod
>    - SignatureMethod
>    - Transform
>    - DigestMethod

DigestMethod's DTD entry wasn't mixed: (#PCDATA %Method.ANY;) and it now is.

>    - Keyinfo
>- Specified
>    - KeyValue
>    - Object
>    - SignatureProperty

Good point. In the three instances, I'm sure we had examples in mind where 
we wanted to enable string or element, but I don't see any reason why the 
others shouldn't. I've made them all mixed as you did in your RELAX 
instance. (BTW: I'm wondering if there a simple way to say element is simple 
type="xsd:string" OR an element. mixed="ture" serves but is actually broader 
than it need be...)

>By the way, my motivation is to make sure that RELAX can handle XML
>Digistal Signature without any problems.

Fortunately, we' have a simple schema, and I'm glad to see it's easily done 
(and it helped flush out bugs! <smile>).

As an aside, Karl identified a structure (SignatureProperty) where the 
<choice> and <any> were both unbounded (more than one element from more than 
one namespace); in the instance he pointed out I think that made sense , but 
I went through the schema and documented when this happens. So for 
SignatureProperty, KeyInfo, Transform they permit multiple elements from 
multiple namespaces, but SignatureMethod (as there is only one 
SignatureMethod for any signature) should be like CanonicalizationMethod, so 
I changed it to reflect:

<complexType name="SignatureMethodType" mixed="true">
   <!-- (0,unbounded) elements from (1) external namespaces -->
   <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
     <element name="HMACOutputLength"  minOccurs="0"
     <any namespace="##any" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <attribute name="Algorithm" type="uriReference" use="required"/>

Joseph Reagle Jr.
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Monday, 18 December 2000 16:15:04 UTC