Re: Comments on "XML-Signature Syntax and Processing"


> Thanks! Plus given I know now how to combine entities with other content 

You are welcome.

> properly <smile> we could remove a level of indirection (External) and have 
> very good equivalence with the schema structures! (Right?)

Yes, I think that this approach improves readability.

> See [1], excerpts:
> [1]
> <!ENTITY % KeyInfo.ANY ''>
> <!ENTITY % KeyValue.ANY ''>
> ...
> <!ELEMENT KeyInfo       (#PCDATA|KeyName|KeyValue|RetrievalMethod|
>              X509Data|PGPData|MgmtData %KeyInfo.ANY;)* >
> <!ATTLIST KeyInfo
>          Id      ID      #IMPLIED >
> ...
> <!ELEMENT KeyValue (#PCDATA|DSAKeyValue|RSAKeyValue %KeyValue.ANY;)* >

I am comparing the XML Schema version and your latest DTD version. 
I have some more questions and comments.

1) The schema version allows KeyInfo to contain SPKIData, but the DTD
does not.

2) What is SPKIData?  This exists only in the XML Schema version.

3) The DTD version does not allow customization of contents of PGPData.

4) In the XML Schema version, KeyValue can have only one DSAKeyValue,
but can have more than two external key values.  Is this really

5) When <any> is used in the XML Schema version, mixed="true" is
sometimes specified and sometimes not.  Again, is this really 

- Not Specified
   - CanonicalizationMethod
   - SignatureMethod
   - Transform
   - DigestMethod
   - Keyinfo
- Specified
   - KeyValue
   - Object
   - SignatureProperty

By the way, my motivation is to make sure that RELAX can handle XML
Digistal Signature without any problems.  Just in case you (a member
of the W3C team  :-) is interested, here is a first cut.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <export label="Signature"/>

    <import label="Method.External"/>
    <import label="Transform.External"/>
    <import label="KeyInfo.External"/>
    <import label="KeyValue.External"/>
    <import label="PGPData.External"/>
    <import label="Object.External"/>
    <import label="SignatureProperty.External"/>

<!-- <simpleType name="CryptoBinary">
  <restriction base="binary">
   <encoding value="base64"/>
</simpleType> -->

  <tag name="Signature">
    <attribute name="Id" type="ID"/>
  <elementRule role="Signature">
      <ref label="SignedInfo"/>
      <ref label="SignatureValue"/>
      <ref label="KeyInfo" occurs="?"/>
      <ref label="Object" occurs="*"/>

  <tag name="SignatureValue">
    <attribute name="Id" type="ID"/>
  <elementRule role="SignatureValue" type="string"/>  <!-- CryptoBinary"/>

  <tag name="SignedInfo">
    <attribute name="Id" type="ID"/>
  <elementRule role="SignedInfo">
      <ref label="CanonicalizationMethod"/>
      <ref label="SignatureMethod"/>
      <ref label="Reference" occurs="+"/>

  <tag name="CanonicalizationMethod">
    <attribute name="Algorithm" required="true" type="uriReference"/>
  <elementRule role="CanonicalizationMethod">
      <choice occurs="*">
        <importedLabelRef label="Method.External"/>
        <ref label="HMACOutputLength"/>

  <tag name="SignatureMethod">
    <attribute name="Algorithm" required="true" type="uriReference"/>
  <elementRule role="SignatureMethod">
      <choice occurs="*">
        <importedLabelRef label="Method.External"/>
        <ref label="HMACOutputLength"/>

  <tag name="Reference">
    <attribute name="Id" type="ID"/>
    <attribute name="URI" type="uriReference"/>
    <attribute name="Type" type="uriReference"/>
  <elementRule role="Reference">
      <ref label="Transforms" occurs="?"/>
      <ref label="DigestMethod"/>
      <ref label="DigestValue"/>

  <tag name="Transforms"/>
  <elementRule role="Transforms">
    <ref label="Transform" occurs="+"/>

  <tag name="Transform">
    <attribute name="Algorithm" required="true" type="uriReference"/>
  <elementRule role="Transform">
      <choice occurs="*">
        <importedLabelRef label="Transform.External"/>
        <element name="XSLT" type="string"/>
        <!-- should be an xsl:stylesheet element -->
        <element name="XPath" type="string"/>

  <tag name="DigestMethod">
    <attribute name="Algorithm" required="true" type="uriReference"/>
  <elementRule role="DigestMethod">
      <choice occurs="*">
        <importedLabelRef label="Method.External"/>
        <ref label="HMACOutputLength"/>

  <tag name="DigestValue"/>
  <elementRule role="DigestValue" type="string"/>  <!-- CryptoBinary"/>

  <tag name="KeyInfo">
    <attribute name="Id" type="ID"/>
  <elementRule role="KeyInfo">
      <choice occurs="*">
        <importedLabelRef label="KeyInfo.External"/>
        <element name="KeyName" type="string"/>
        <ref label="KeyValue"/>
        <ref label="RetrievalMethod"/>
        <ref label="X509Data"/>
        <ref label="PGPData"/>
        <element name="MgmtData" type="string"/>

  <tag name="KeyValue"/>
  <elementRule role="KeyValue">
        <importedLabelRef label="KeyValue.External" occurs="*"/>
        <ref label="DSAKeyValue"/>
        <ref label="RSAKeyValue"/>

  <tag name="RetrievalMethod">
    <attribute name="URI" required="true" type="uriReference"/>
    <attribute name="Type" type="uriReference"/>
  <elementRule role="RetrievalMethod">
    <ref label="Transforms" occurs="?"/>

  <tag name="X509Data"/>
  <elementRule role="X509Data">
      <choice occurs="+">
        <ref label="X509IssuerSerial"/>
        <element name="X509SKI" type="string"/>  <!-- CryptoBinary"/>
        <element name="X509SubjectName" type="string"/>
        <element name="X509Certificate" type="string"/>  <!-- CryptoBinary"/>
      <element name="X509CRL" type="string"/>  <!-- CryptoBinary"/>

  <tag name="X509IssuerSerial"/>
  <elementRule role="X509IssuerSerial">
      <element name="X509IssuerName" type="string"/>
      <element name="X509SerialNumber" type="integer"/>

  <tag name="PGPData"/>
  <elementRule role="PGPData">
      <importedLabelRef label="PGPData.External"/>
        <element name="PGPKeyID" type="string"/>
        <element name="PGPKeyPacket" type="string"/>  <!-- CryptoBinary"/>

  <tag name="Object">
    <attribute name="Id" type="ID"/>
    <attribute name="MimeType" type="string"/>
    <attribute name="Encoding" type="uriReference"/>
  <elementRule role="Object">
      <choice occurs="*">
        <importedLabelRef label="Object.External"/>
        <ref label="Signature"/>
        <ref label="SignatureProperties"/>
        <ref label="Manifest"/>

  <tag name="Manifest">
    <attribute name="Id" type="ID"/>
  <elementRule role="Manifest">
    <ref label="Reference" occurs="+"/>

  <tag name="SignatureProperties">
    <attribute name="Id" type="ID"/>
  <elementRule role="SignatureProperties">
    <ref label="SignatureProperty" occurs="+"/>

  <tag name="SignatureProperty">
    <attribute name="Target" required="true" type="uriReference"/>
    <attribute name="Id" type="ID"/>

  <elementRule role="SignatureProperty">
      <importedLabelRef label="SignatureProperty.External"/>

  <tag name="HMACOutputLength"/>
  <elementRule role="HMACOutputLength" type="integer"/>

  <tag name="DSAKeyValue"/>
  <elementRule role="DSAKeyValue">
      <element name="P" type="string"/>  <!-- CryptoBinary"/>
      <element name="Q"/>  <!-- CryptoBinary"/>
      <element name="G"/>  <!-- CryptoBinary"/>
      <element name="Y"/>  <!-- CryptoBinary"/>
      <element name="J" type="string" occurs="?"/> <!-- CryptoBinary"/>
      <sequence occurs="?">
        <element name="Seed" type="string"/> <!-- CryptoBinary"/>
        <element name="PgenCounter" type="string"/> <!-- CryptoBinary"/>

  <tag name="RSAKeyValue"/>
  <elementRule role="RSAKeyValue">
      <element name="Modulus" type="string"/> <!-- CryptoBinary"/>
      <element name="Exponent" type="string"/> <!-- CryptoBinary"/>


Received on Saturday, 16 December 2000 07:58:06 UTC