Re: Xpath transform changes and questions

[Martin Dürst]
>At 00/03/17 12:47 -0800, John Boyer wrote:
>iii) If everything else checks out, we can get rid of exact order and just
>>use lex order provided that lex ordering in UTF-16 results in the same order
>>as lex ordering in UTF-8 (which is Christopher Maden's claim).
>This is not true. Surrogate pairs are the counterexample.
>And of course it is not true for any other character encoding,
>except in a very limited sense for iso-8859-1 and us-ascii.

I was referring to ordering on characters, not bytes.  It should be obvious
that bytewise sorting on a two-byte and a variable-byte encoding will be


Christopher R. Maden, Solutions Architect
Yomu (formerly Exemplary Technologies)
One Embarcadero Center, Ste. 2405
San Francisco, CA 94111

Received on Tuesday, 21 March 2000 04:02:46 UTC