Re: X509Data

>You have to use the escaping mechanism of XML here. Instead of the left
angle bracket you
>can use the corresponding character entity "<". If the parser parses
your DN containing
>this entity string, it is replaced by the orginal left angle character
again, e.g.
>your DN: "Jim < Jack"
>encoding of XML character data: "Jim &lt; Jack"
>after parsing: "Jim < Jack"

Exactly, but there should be some text to this effect in the spec.  The text
in 4.4 states that IssuerSerial contains an RFC2253 encoded DN.  Since
RFC2253 explicitly permits encoded DNs that are unacceptable for our
purposes some mention should be made in the text, in my opinion.


Received on Wednesday, 1 March 2000 07:14:24 UTC