Re: on our bug tracking (and closing) process


This sounds good to me. Only two tweaks

* we had agreed that the new text proposals would be to the list, and  
not within Bugzilla
* we had agreed that anyone can perform the verification task (except  
the editor who made the change)

- Jim

On Oct 27, 2005, at 11:19 AM, Elias Sinderson wrote:

> I believe the following captures our most recent discussion on the  
> meaning of a bugs status.
> NEW: The bug is new.
> ASSIGNED: The assigned person will take point on proposing new text.
> RESOLVED: The WG has reached rough concensus on a proposed change.  
> Note that the type of resolution (e.g. FIXED, INVALID...) is NOT  
> being used to indicate anything presently, as the available options  
> don't seem to fit our process very well.
> VERIFIED: The text has been verified as included in the current  
> revision of draft (published to The status will be  
> changed to by the verifier.
> CLOSED: The latest draft, including the agreed upon text, has been  
> submitted to IETF.
> We will look into modifying the available types of resolutions so  
> that they may more closely reflect our process...
> Best,
> Elias

Received on Thursday, 27 October 2005 23:40:34 UTC