Re: ETags?

I agree with Elias -- I'm not insisting on any particular requirements, 
but I have definitely found that when the spec is entirely silent on an 
issue (particularly on an issue where implementations may vary and the 
variations can affect interoperability), readers unconsciously fill in 
with their assumptions.


On Jan 19, 2005, at 6:53 PM, Elias Sinderson wrote:

> Geoffrey M Clemm wrote:
>> I agree with Roy's rationale and conclusion, and support the  removal 
>> of the reference to live properties in section 2.6
> So, in effect, the spec will state that dead properties MUST be the 
> same across all bindings to a given resource, and that (by remaining 
> silent on the issue) live properties MAY vary depending on server 
> implementation. I am not oposed to this, however as a guide to client 
> implementors it might be nice to point out that they can't 
> neccessarily depend on live properties being the same across all 
> bindings to a resource.
> Cheers,
> Elias

Received on Thursday, 20 January 2005 05:53:43 UTC