Re: [Bug 2] Bindings needs to completely describe how bindings in teract with locks.

Geoffrey M Clemm wrote:
> I agree that it would be desireable to add the statement Joe suggests
> to the binding specification, and I like the editorial changes suggested
> by Chuck and Julian.
> Cheers,
> Geoff


so do we have consensus to add the following subsection to section 2 

2.x UNLOCK and Bindings

Due to the specific language used in section 8.11 of [RFC2518], it might 
be thought that an UNLOCK request to a locked resource would unlock just 
the binding of the Request-URI.  This is not the case, however.  Section 
6 of [RFC2518] clearly states that locks are on resources, not URIs, so 
the server MUST allow UNLOCK to be used to unlock a locked resource 
through any binding to that resource.  The authors of this specification 
anticipate and recommend that future revisions of [RFC2518] maintain 
this behavior.

Best regards, Julian

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Received on Tuesday, 18 January 2005 19:37:58 UTC