Re: [Bug 3] Bindings draft should specify if all properties MUST have same value on all bindings

Julian Reschke wrote:
> Jim Whitehead wrote:
>>> OK, *where* should thie statement go...?
>> My recommendation is a new section, titled, "PROPFIND and Bindings", 
>> placed
>> either immediately before or after section 2.6.
> OK, done in... 
> <>. 

I haven't heard back from anybody, thus I'll assume that I can close the 

Joe, Lisa; as far as I can tell all we're done except for


where feedback to my latest entry would be appreciated.

Other than that, I think we can either last-call draft -09 or submit the 
current draft as -10 and last-call that. It would be extremely good if 
we could do that early next week (with a four week last-call period), so 
that people interested have something to read over the holidays.

Please provide feedback about how to proceed as soon as possible.

Best regards, Julian

<green/>bytes GmbH -- -- tel:+492512807760

Received on Saturday, 18 December 2004 19:35:20 UTC