> From:
> []On Behalf Of Jason Crawford
> Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 9:29 PM
> To: Kevin Wiggen
> Cc: WebDAV WG
> Subject: RE: Issue: PROP_ATTR
> ...
> This does lead me to another question though.  If in the PROPPATCH call
> there are xmlns attributes on the propertyupdate, set, or prop tags that
> could potentially affect the tags within the property value, is the server
> responsible for collecting those and representing those in PROPPATCH
> responses?   Or should we require that the client put any xmlns attributes
> that it cares about on the propertyname tag and within?

I think by choosing XML+Namespaces as transport protocol, WebDAV must adhere
to those rules. For the XML Infoset of a request, it makes little difference
where a particular namespace declaration occured.

Received on Saturday, 14 April 2001 06:23:38 UTC