Final DC IETF meeting time: Mon., 7:30PM

The meeting time for the WebDAV WG at the Washington, DC IETF has been
finalized.  We'll be meeting from 7:30PM to 10:00PM on Monday night
(November 8, 1999).

There will also be an additional breakout on Advanced Collections, but we're
still working on the exact time of this--details to come.

The complete IETF meeting schedule can be found at:

Note that during the WebDAV WG meeting we will be discussing the advanced
collections specifications (all available off the WebDAV WG home page, at, and we will expect attendees to
have read these specifications.  Unlike past meetings, there will not be a
specification overview--we've done that enough already. If you show up at
the meeting and haven't read the spec., don't be surprised if we hand you a
spec. and a red pen, or if I give speaking preference to those who have read
the specs.

- Jim

Received on Wednesday, 20 October 1999 20:54:06 UTC