Summary of Advanced Collections Discussion

This note summarizes the discussions that have followed Yaron's review of
the first part of the advanced collections protocol.  I suggest that we
focus discussion at the IETF meeting next week on the difficult issues: 7 -

I propose these resolutions of issues 1 - 6:

Issue #1: Keep the current definition of "Collection", which is copied from
rfc 2518.  Add a statement that a response to a request for a listing of
members of the collection includes exactly those URIs that the collection

Issue #2: 
Change the definition of "Referential Resource" to the following:

	A new type of resource that provides access to the content and
properties of another resource, but has no content of its own (though it
does have properties)

Keep the current definitions of "Direct Reference" and "Redirect Reference".

Issue #3: Use just the currently-defined Location header with 302 responses.

Issue #4: For the Ref-Integrity header, define only the value
"do-not-enforce", require the Ref-Integrity header on MKREF requests, and
require the server to fail any request with a value for Ref-Integrity that
it does not understand.  Add something like Yaron's proposed syntax to
OPTIONS responses to allow clients to discover what values of Ref-Integrity
are supported at a particular URI.

Issue #5:  Instead of having separate DAV:reftype and DAV:refintegrity
properties, incorporate them into the DAV:reference value of the
DAV:resourcetype property.  The DAV:reftarget property will stay separate.

Issue #6: Change the protocol to allow a body to be included in a MKREF

For those who want a review of the discussions so far, read on . . .


Issue #1: Definition of "Collection"

Yaron requests clarification of what it means for a collection to contain a
URI.  I will keep the existing text, since it is copied from RFC 2518.  I'll
add a statement that a response to a request for a listing of members of the
collection includes exactly those URIs that the collection contains.

Issue #2: Definition of "Referential Resource"

Yaron suggests (1) that we explicitly state that this is a new type of
resource, (2) that we misuse the term "body" in the current definition, (3)
that we should get rid of the generic notion of a reference and rename
"direct reference" and "redirect reference" so that we can treat them as
completely independent concepts.

From the discussion so far, it appears that the design team is happy with
(1) and (2), but not with (3).

We are not willing to define "direct reference" and "redirect reference" in
terms of their implementations, and when defined more abstractly, we believe
that they really are two specializations of the same more general concept.

Direct references are presumably what most clients would prefer.  The server
bears the burden of resolving a direct reference and passing requests on to
its target.  Since implementing direct references may be too expensive for
some servers and may raise security issues that they are unwilling to
accept, we also define another sort of reference that is simpler and less
expensive for servers to implement.  Redirect references require the client
to take on part of the burden of resolving the reference and submitting its
request to the target resource.

I propose the following definition of "Referential Resource":

A new type of resource that provides access to the content and properties of
another resource, but has no content of its own (though it does have

I propose keeping the current definitions of "Direct Reference" and
"Redirect Reference".

Issue #3: Location Header

Yaron points out that the Location header only allows a single URI to be
returned.  However, there may be multiple URIs that could be used to access
the target resource.  So he suggests an extension header LocationEx to
contain additional URIs to be used in case the one in Location fails.

Geoff points out that the purpose of redirect references is to insure that
the server will never have to go to another server in order to process a
reference.  So we cannot *require* the server to provide the complete list
of URIs that could be used to access the target resource.  If the reference
and target are both local, then the server might be able to provide multiple
URIs, though there still might be remote references to the target that the
server would not know about.  

Really we had expected servers only to examine the DAV:reftarget property of
the reference and return that URI in Location.  In any case, the server
would have to start with that value in order to discover any additional URIs
that provide access to the same resource.  If the value of DAV:reftarget is
broken, the server won't be able to provide any useful alternatives.  If it
is not broken, the client doesn't need any alternatives.

So unless there is further discussion, I propose that we stick with just the
Location header for use with 302 responses.

Issue #4: Values of the Ref-Integrity Header

The protocol currently defines the values "enforce" and "do-not-enforce" and
allows for extension values.  It also makes the Ref-Integrity header
optional on MKREF requests.  Yaron objects that if a client uses the value
"enforce" or leaves the header off, it does not know what the result of a
successful processing of its request will be.

He proposes instead defining only the value "do-not-enforce", requiring the
Ref-Integrity header on MKREF requests, and requiring the server to fail any
request with a value for Ref-Integrity that it does not understand.  Jim
Davis supports this proposal.

I objected that for all practical purposes, this would mean clients could
only create references for which integrity would not be enforced.  And
compliant servers would have to be willing to create references for which
integrity would not be enforced.  I proposed that to improve this situation,
we provide a discovery mechanism for clients to find out what values of
Ref-Integrity can be used for a particular URI.  (Jim Amsden pointed out
that different URIs on the same server may support different values of
Ref-Integrity.)  This could be just some additional syntax for use in
responses to OPTIONS.

Yaron was willing to accept this. He considers it bad practice for a client
to perform any action that it does not fully understand, including creating
a reference without understanding how referential integrity will be enforced
for it.  But he is willing to allow clients to do this provided that they
make this choice deliberately.

Unless there is further discussion, I propose to add something close to
Yaron's proposed syntax to OPTIONS responses for resources that support

Issue #5: Should DAV:reftype, reftarget, and refintegrity be separate

Yaron proposes that these be part of a structured value for

Geoff argues against this that reftarget is more like the value of the
resource than its type.  He argues that the other properties are all
orthogonal to each other and so should not be part of the same structured
value.  However, I think it is quite common (and even the normal case) for
the elements of a data structure to be orthogonal.  Think about an author
property with elements name, phone, e-mail, ... all orthogonal.

I argued for keeping these properties separate, based on the practical
consideration that we want to be able to search on these properties, but
DASL doesn't yet support search on structured values.  Jim Davis and Yaron
disagreed with me, arguing that we should not base design decisions on the
current shortfalls of another protocol.

Jim Davis agreed that reftype and refintegrity are part of what
distinguishes the resource type.  He argued that reftarget should not be
part of the value of resourcetype, because two references with different
values of reftarget could still be the same type of reference.

I propose that we change the syntax of the reference element to contain
reftype and refintegrity elements, and no longer treat reftype and
refintegrity as separate properties.  The reftarget property will stay

Issue #6: MKREF body

The protocol prohibits sending an entity body with a MKREF request.

Yaron argues that MKREF should be analogous to MKCOL and allow a body.

I opposed this unless we had some idea how the entity body would be used.
Geoff argued in favor of allowing a body, and suggested that it might be
used to set property values as part of the creation request.  Yaron felt
that it should be allowed even if we don't yet know how it might be used.

I propose that we change the protocol to allow a body to be included in a
MKREF request.

Issue #7: If one creates a reference to a collection, does that cause
creation of references to all the members of the collection?

No, it does not cause creation of references to all the members of the
collection.  It does make it possible to access each member of the
collection using a new URI that was not available before.

If collection /a/ has members b and c, and I create a reference /x whose
target is the collection /a/, then it becomes possible to submit requests to
/a/b and /a/c using the URIs /x/b and /x/c, respectively.  The only resource
that was created to make this possible was the reference /x.

There is no need to create additional references in order for the server to
resolve URIs like /x/b.  Jim Davis described one possible resolution
algorithm to the design team:  When a server is processing a URL, if the
corresponding resource does not exist, the server SHOULD check for an
ancestor reference as follows.  Examine the path of the URL, starting from
the end, working towards the root, searching for the first ancestor for
which a corresponding resource does exist.  If this resource is not a
reference, then the server MUST treat the request as it would any other
request for a non-existant
resource.  If the corresponding resource is a reference, then generate a new
URL, by appending the original path below this point to the target of the
reference.  The server should then process this URL as appropriate for the
reference type, that is either by forwarding to it or returning a redirect

Geoff pointed out that it would be hard to make sense of any requirement to
create references for all the members of the collection, because it is
unclear where the references to the members of the target collection would
reside.  They would have to be members of some collection, but not
collection /a/.  /x is not a collection, so it can't have members.

It's unclear whether we have reached consensus on this issue.

Issue #8: reftype and reftarget in responses to COPY
and Issue #11: reftype and reftarget in responses to LOCK

The protocol currently requires reftype and reftarget to be included in any
responses to COPY requests on collections that contain references.  This has
the consequence that even if the COPY was completely successful, a
Multi-Status response must be returned.  Yaron is concerned that some
non-referencing clients may break as a result, because they will assume that
they will get a simple 201 response if all went well.

This is related to Issue 11, which points out similar problems with
including reftype and reftarget in responses to LOCK requests.

The protocol tries to follow a general policy that whenever a client submits
a request to a reference, it should be made aware of that fact.  And
whenever the request actually affects a resource other than the reference
(gets passed through to the target), the client should be told what resource
was actually affected.  Rather than change this policy on a case-by-case
basis, we should review the policy as a whole.  More discussion is needed.

Issue #9: DELETE, MOVE, and COPY

There is general agreement that the default behavior of DELETE and MOVE for
references should be to delete or move the reference, not its target.  A
mechanism should be provided to allow reference-aware clients to cause
DELETE or MOVE to apply to the target.  (In the current specification, this
can be done by looking up the value of DAV:reftarget and sending the request
to that URI.)

COPY: On one hand, you expect the result to be an independent resource that
can be modified without affecting the source.  On the other hand, if you are
operating on a collection, you may expect the result to be a collection that
behaves just like the original (and is about the same size as the original).
These expectations may conflict.

(On the size issue, if a down-level client examined the sizes of the members
of a collection, it would see the sizes of the targets for any references in
the collection.  So its expectation about the size of the new collection
would correspond to the size of the collection with the targets copied into

Appeals to precedent: In NT, when you copy a shortcut, you get a new
shortcut.  Unix by default copies the target, not the hard or soft link.

Maybe we should take the point of view of the site administrator, whose
interest is in keeping down-level clients from messing up the site.  From
his point of view, it may be desirable to *prevent* down-level clients from
performing some operations on references.  COPY may be one of these.

If you have COPY apply to the reference, you have to worry about fixing up
relative URIs in DAV:reftarget.

More discussion is needed.

Issue #10: LOCK for direct references

The behavior you would expect is for both the reference and its target to be
locked.  If only the target is locked, someone could replace the reference
with one pointing somewhere else while the target is locked.

Geoff points out that even locking both the reference and the target will
not guarantee that the same URI will identify the same target resource after
the lock is released.  He gives the example of locking /x/y/z.html, where /x
is a reference and /x/y/z.html is a reference.  In order to get that
guarantee, the server would have to lock not only the reference and the
target, but also /x.  But if /x is locked, no one can operate on any
resource identified by a URI starting with /x.  This would be unacceptable
in a versioning / configuration environment where the aim is to allow
multiple copntributors to work on resources in the same collection at once.
So he argues that by default we should not lock the reference at all, but
just the target.  This is consistent with most other operations on

Yaron believes that rfc 2518 requires that a LOCK on a reference locks the
reference.  (In design team meetings we also noted that rfc 2518 requires
that a LOCK on a collection lock every member of the collection, so if the
collection contains references those references must be locked.)  Geoff
claims that rfc 2518 says nothing about whether a URI that identifies a
locked resource can be changed to identify something else while that
resource is locked.

There appears to be confusion about whether references are themselves
resources or whether they are just alternative names for a resource.

Yaron believes that rfc 2518 requires both the reference and its target to
be locked (for direct references), because what it really requires is that
if a resource is write locked, then the lock holder can count on the fact
that any GET it performs through the URI it used to lock the resource will
get the same results (until the lock holder does something to alter the
reference or its target).

References to versioned-resources are more complicated than other
references.  The resource selected by that reference is not the
versioned-resource, but is the result of a computation based on the state of
the versioned-resource and the contents of a Workspace or Revision-Name
header.  Applying a lock to this reference is in conflict with the basic
purpose of these headers, namely to select a different revision when
appropriate.  Thus a definition of locking that requires locking the
reference would be incompatible with the way versioning uses references to

More discussion is needed.


Judith A. Slein
Xerox Corporation
800 Phillips Road 105/50C
Webster, NY 14580

Received on Monday, 8 March 1999 17:00:15 UTC