DASL solicits your opinions on structured queries (e.g. for Dublin Core)

If you have an opinion about whether DASL should support queries on
structured properties (e.g. for Dublin Core) *please* speak up in the DASL
list. There have been several posts there asking for opinions on this
point, with little or no response.

As a result of this silence, the current DASL requirements ID does not
include a requirement for queries on structured properties.  We need to
hear from you on this.

The DASL home page is http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/dasl/

(Archived) mail messages of greatest relevance are:

Structure criteria for DASL queries
(tries to  "make (or reopen) the case for defining a structure criteria
(also called "structured query") in DASL.")
Should DASL have structure queries?
(Attempt to provoke discussion on the need for structured queries)

If you want to contribute to the design of DASL structured criteria, there
are two proposals on the table right now, or you can add your own.

Please see

initial proposal for structure criteria
(Davis's proposal for syntax for structured criteria)

Querying WebDAV Hierarchical Properties -- The Proposal
(Babich's proposal for structured query.)

Some background on the above

what kinds of structure criteria are needed?
(lists the structural features that must be testable)

Querying WebDAV Hierarchical Properties -- Motivation
(Design rationale for the Babich proposal)

Received on Thursday, 8 October 1998 15:45:43 UTC