RE: [rest-discuss] RE: [whatwg] Proposing URI Templates for WebForms 2.0

>> Erik Wilde wrote:
...i don't think we should make that distinction of servers; on the
contrary, i think the web should take every step possible into a direction
where that perceived difference between "API servers" and "web servers"
disappears, and where technologies that somehow create that distinction
(such as HTML forms) are fixed (with reasonable transition strategies in

Well said; I concur with this analysis and this goal completely. Adding URI
Template support to HTML forms reduces the disparity between what can be
done with a "website" and what must be done with an "RESTful API server" per

There ideally should be as little technical difference between the two where
the client is given the option to view it as it may. Without URI Template
support HTML forms will continue to be 2nd class citizen when compared to
other solutions for interacting with REST-based web services.

While this hadn't been part of my original reason for request URI Template
support in HTML forms it's now clear it is probably a more important
justification than my original. Thanks Erik.

-Mike Schinkel

Received on Wednesday, 5 November 2008 08:58:56 UTC