Re: Error handling in URIs

Ian Hickson scripsit:

> I need a term to use in the HTML5 spec which means "a string used to 
> identify a resource", and which can then be defined to be valid if it 
> matches the conditions listed above. The term has to be one that authors 
> would immediately recognise as being intended to be URI-like, yet without 
> conflicting with existing definitions. If you disagree with the use of the 
> term "URL" for this purpose, do you have any alternative suggestions?

How about HTML Resource Identifier, or HRI?

Is not a patron, my Lord [Chesterfield],        John Cowan
one who looks with unconcern on a man 
struggling for life in the water, and when
he has reached ground encumbers him with help?
        --Samuel Johnson

Received on Wednesday, 25 June 2008 20:47:47 UTC