Re: Error handling in URIs

On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 17:29:04 +0200, Tim Bray <> wrote:
> Also, I'm not enthusiastic about writing standards unless
> there's an obvious pain point that needs to be addressed.  If the
> implementors are in general doing the right thing in a compatible way,
> is any further spec work required?

Yes. Otherwise future implementors have to reverse engineer today's  
implementors in order to get the same behavior. Also, if some implementor  
starts making changes this becomes painful for the other implementors as  
then they have to reverse engineer it again, etc. This is pretty much what  
happened with HTML.

As for your other question, I would expect user agents to use the same URL  
processing everywhere, in which case this would apply to SVG, CSS, HTML,  
XMLHttpRequest, and any other specification you can imagine browsers  
implement that support "embedding" a URI somehow. (I only tested this for  
HTML and XMLHttpRequest.)

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2008 15:42:43 UTC