Re: http-urls style, trailing slash and webdav

Reto Bachmann-Gmür wrote:
> ...
> Ok, I think I originally wanted to ask two questions:
> Question 1: would you agree, that for following reasons it is better 
> style if get-dereferenceable resources do not end with a slash:
>        1. It is not always clear for which resources you may want to
>           create subordinate resource in future, and you don't want to
>           change URIs

That may be true, but sounds to me like an edge case that doesn't need 
to be optimized. If a form without "/" was chosen, and later it's found 
to be a collection, changing the URL (and letting the old URL redirect) 
doesn't seem to be a big issue to me.

>        2. The mapping meaning-url should be as consistent as possible,
>           but the fact that a resource has, or possibly will have
>           subordinate resources is not essential to the meaning

Hard to say.

>        3. When saving a representation of a resource to disk, client
>           agent suggest/choose better names, if the URL does not end wit
>           a slash


>        4. It looks bad to have a slash followed by a question mark or a
>           dot (as for get-parameters, or language/media-type forcing
>           extension)


>        5. Oakham's razor and the waste of bandwith :-)
> Question 2: am I missing something, or all webdav clients I tested 
> broken, when they retrieve collections without a trailing slash?

I'm not sure what you're referring to. Please provide an example.

> I interpreted Frank's reply [1] as "you aren't missing anything, go 
> ahead post bugs for the the clients you used" which  would answer my 
> second question.
> The first question seems still open to me.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Saturday, 28 January 2006 08:06:01 UTC