Re: 1738 replacements, round two

Paul Hoffman / IMC scripsit:

> >I happen to be reading this through the Gmane mail-to-news service, and
> >I know for a fact that they use nntp: URIs.
> >
> >
> In a way that we should standardize?

In the way, and with the purpose, prescribed in RFC 1738, viz. to
specify a particular NNTP host.  The use of the news scheme for this
purpose is not standardized in RFC 1738, though it is a plausible

Since the nntp scheme is in use and in a conformant way, I believe
that it should continue to be part of the Standards Track.

(By the same token, unless someone can show that the wais and prospero
schemes are in current use in a conformant way, I believe they should
be dropped from this effort and allowed to go historic when RFC 1738
itself does.)

John Cowan                                <>    
Yakka foob mog.  Grug pubbawup zink wattoom gazork.  Chumble spuzz.
    -- Calvin, giving Newton's First Law "in his own words"

Received on Tuesday, 21 September 2004 19:01:26 UTC