Re: Status of the RFC 1738 replacements

Paul Hoffman / IMC said:
> I updated the "news and nntp" draft to reflect the discussion on the 
> list. I think I captured all of the threads, except that I explicitly 
> didn't put in a definition for nntp. Two people wanted a new 
> definition, but didn't say what they wanted. My guess is that this 
> one is going to need another round or two. If anyone wants a 
> definition for nntp, they *must* send full proposed text to the list, 
> and I would want to hear at least a handful of people say that it 
> seems reasonable.

The NNTPEXT group is busy finalizing its documents and I think that many
people (certainly including me) don't have time to look at this. We should
be done soon, so it might be better to wait until we can offer you some

Clive D.W. Feather  | Work:  <>   | Tel:    +44 20 8495 6138
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Thus plc            |                            |

Received on Monday, 1 November 2004 06:37:39 UTC