Re: Http and RFC-2396

Michel Suignard <> wrote:

 > > Also, since violates RFC-2396,
 > In which way does it violate RFC-2396? Could you point to the relevant
 > text?

Sorry, I said that wrong.  It violates RFC-2616 (HTTP), specifically the
parts of RFC-2616 that are incorporated by reference from RFC-2396.


   3.2.1 General Syntax

     For definitive information on URL syntax and semantics, see "Uniform
     Resource Identifiers (URI):  Generic Syntax and Semantics,"
     RFC 2396...  This specification adopts the definitions of ...
     "host", ... from that specification.

   3.2.2 http URL

     http_URL = "http:" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs_path [ "?" query ]]


   A. Collected BNF for URI

     host          = hostname | IPv4address
     hostname      = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ]
     domainlabel   = alphanum | alphanum *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
     toplabel      = alpha | alpha *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
     IPv4address   = 1*digit "." 1*digit "." 1*digit "." 1*digit

 > On the same thread, is there somewhere a formal up-to-date definition
 > in ABNF for current URI schemes, such as http, mailto, ftp, etc...?

Each scheme is defined in its own document, except for the ones that
haven't been updated since RFC-1738.


Received on Tuesday, 17 February 2004 08:06:39 UTC