RE: draft-fielding-uri-rfc2396bis-02

Hi Roy:

Just a brief comment on the revised draft. This passage from end 2nd para,
section 1.1.3, strikes me as very peculiar:

	'This specification deprecates use of the term "URN" for anything
but URIs in the "urn" scheme [RFC2141]. This specification also deprecates
the term "URL".'

Given that a URI scheme may be classified as a 'locator', a 'name' or both,
how can the term 'URL' be deprecated while maintaining the term 'URN'? This
seems to introduce an imbalance into the glossary of terms. Surely in the
contemporary view the only term of any significance is 'URI'. IMO the term
'URN' should be deprecated wholesale along with the term 'URL'. The 'urn'
scheme just marks out a certain class of URIs which have a particular
semantics - i.e. 'persistence'.



Tony Hammond

Advanced Technology Group, Elsevier Ltd
32 Jamestown Road, London, NW1 7BY, UK


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roy T. Fielding []
> Sent: 24 May 2003 08:14
> To:
> Subject: draft-fielding-uri-rfc2396bis-02
> I have just submitted draft 02, which can also be obtained via
> the issues list at
> Please note that all issues have been fixed or closed, with the
> single exception that 032-component-examples is still waiting
> for some examples that might improve the current description.
> This would be a good time to review the specification.
> Cheers,
> Roy T. Fielding, Chief Scientist, Day Software
>                   2 Corporate Plaza, Suite 150
>                   Newport Beach, CA 92660-7929   fax:+1.949.644.5064
>                   ( <>
>                   Co-founder, The Apache Software Foundation
>                   (  <>

Received on Tuesday, 27 May 2003 06:15:56 UTC