Re: draft-fielding-uri-rfc2396bis-02

At 12:00 24/05/03 -0700, Rob Cameron wrote:
>4.  I have been working on the  inverse of the algorithm
>     of section 5.2 for resolving relative references.
>     I thought an algorithm for that might appear in this draft.

I assume you mean for constructing relative references?

A problem with this is that there's no single correct implementation.  I 
did a relative path computation [1] when I implemented this stuff, and 
realized that some equally legitimate choices are available in come cases 
for the fairly minimal requirements I was working from.


[1] My code, in Haskell, including a fairly extensive range of test cases, 
is at:

Graham Klyne
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Received on Monday, 26 May 2003 04:18:58 UTC