Re: Proposal: new top level domain '.urn' alleviates all need for urn: URIs said:
> > said:
> > > Any URI https://X denotes the very same resource as
> > > the URI http://X,
> > 
> > This is complete and utter rubbish.
> You may be right ;-)

I am. You made an unequivocable statement. I provided a counter-example.
You are wrong.

> Though it is still important to make the distinction between
> denotation and behavior (accessible representations).


> Even though you may provide representations to someone you
> trust that you wouldn't provide to someone you don't, that
> doesn't mean the http: and https: URIs above don't denote
> the same resource.

That may or may not be the case.

However, that's a statement of the form:

    Any URI https://X can denote the very same resource as
    the URI http://X,

which is very different from what you said the first time.

If the difference between "denotes" and "can denote" is too subtle for you
(is English your first language? I can't tell) then may I suggest you don't
belong in this debate. If the difference is clear to you, then please
retract your former statement.

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Received on Friday, 11 July 2003 04:03:34 UTC