URI: palace://...


Reading the file of http://www.w3.org/Addressing/schemes I have the 
following idea and question:

Do you know about the palace URI scheme for addressing palace servers and 
rooms within servers?

The syntax, as far as I know it, is:


I think, there is a special palace protocol too, which in one version uses 
TCP/IP as transport protocol.

The default port is 9998 if omitted, maybe depending on the palace client 
In a document once I read that port 9997 would have been reserved to palace 
servers at some internet organisation but out of some unclear reason 9998 
became used more instead.
Default roomid is 0 if omitted.
The 2 dashes "//" seem to have no meaning to the palace clients. Maybe they 
allowed them to be put in so it looks more like http-URIs.

Can you put the palace URI scheme onto your list of URI addressing schemes, 
where I hoped to find more information about them but unfortunately 
couldn't find any?
Some more information can be available in one or more of the manuals at 

There has been a company called communities.com or thePalace inc. who 
partly developed the palace software but this company has gone in about 
2001. If you want, you can find additional information at 
http://www.palacetools.com, a website of people "community" who are using 
the palace software.

Since I could not find anything about the palace:-URI-scheme on the website 
of w3c.org, I have no idea wether this URI scheme has been registered in 
any way nor if the protocol follows any standard. I am curious on exact 

If you know something more exact inforrmation, please tell me about it.

Mit freundlichen Gr$B˜a(Ben

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Received on Monday, 21 April 2003 19:58:45 UTC