Re: resources, stuffs and individuation

Yes, I took your sense of "identity" to be the reasonably tight notion of
"one and the same thing as", "selfsame thing as", rather than the more 
socially-tinged sense of "identity" sometimes encountered for eg in a 
humanities context, where we might talk about the different "identities"
I have online, or how one's identity is culturally constructed or 

The advantage of the former sense is that there is so little to it. We live 
in a world of things/entities/objects of various kinds, and there are 
taken to be facts of the matter about whether any two references to 
such entities refer to the selfsame thing or to different things. All the 
harder-to-model role oriented stuff gets layered on top of this basic 


Received on Monday, 21 April 2003 18:42:39 UTC