FW: new OASIS TC for URIs and URNs

Have you all pinpointed the boundaries and overlaps of what you all are
addressing and what the OASIS TC has proposed to address.

	Christina Portillo
	Advanced Computing Technologist
	Data Management Services - Architecture & eBusiness
	The Boeing Company               Phone: 206-544-7474
	PO Box 3707   M/S 2R-91        Fax:     206- 544-5889
	Seattle, WA  98124-2207                christina.portillo@boeing.com
	ebusiness on the web = XML + JAVA + Web + Controlled Vocabularies

-----Original Message-----
From: Berry, Nicholas F 
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 9:58 AM
To: Xml_Names_List (E-mail); xml CP list (E-mail)
Subject: [xml-cp] new OASIS TC for URIs and URNs

> The XRI TC Comes to OASIS
> A Call for Participation has been issued for the new OASIS Extensible
Resource Identifier Technical Committee (XRI TC). The purpose of this
committee is to define a URI (Uniform Resource Identifiers aka URL) scheme
and a corresponding URN (Uniform Resource Names) namespace that can be used
to identify resources and share data across domains, enterprises, and
applications in a distributed directory.
> http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/members/200212/msg00002.html
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Received on Monday, 9 December 2002 13:35:55 UTC