new drafts for sms uris


i just completed and submitted new drafts for the sms uri documents.
following the discussion on, i have to agree that the sms
message's body should be a query string rather than a parameter. you can
find the new versions of the drafts at

or at any place where ietf drafts are being published.

any comments are very welcome. btw, does anybody have an idea how
browser programmers could be encouraged to handle uri schemes in the
same flexible way as mime types are being handled? i am still waiting
for a browser supporting the tel and fax uris on my web page and would
love to have a browser which would allow to configure this easily (as i
understand it, ie allows to install protocol handlers as dlls, but the
uri scheme handling can not be changed through preference settings).


erik wilde  - tel:+41-1-6325132 - fax:+41-1-6321035 -
       computer engineering and networks laboratory
       swiss federal institute of technology  (eth)
       * try not. do, or do not. there is no try. *

Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2002 17:04:47 UTC