Re: URLs for different address spaces

I know the folks working on ILU (
were working on a URL format for ILU object ports that might not be
IPv4. And certainly HTTP URLs need not refer to the IPv4 host, they
could refer to IPv6. (There was a recent message on http-wg on this
point, but I'm having trouble finding it at the moment.)

I think the main issue for new URL schemes is that we're currently
expecting them to be defined by RFCs. But if you have positive
proposals, why don't you bring them forward?

While URI-WG might revive with a new (very narrow) charter to review
the (soon-to-be) revised URL / relative URL drafts and push them
toward Draft Standard, it's likely not to be in a position to vet
completely new schemes.


Received on Wednesday, 5 June 1996 19:06:34 UTC