Re: http charset labelling

> >> Or fix the problem by allowing specification of the encoding used for
> >> the URL's.
> > 
> >That's no fix.
> > 
> >If you allow specification of the encoding, what we can see on paper
> >is resulting lengthy specification of the encoding concatenated with
> >lengthy 7bit encoding of the URL body.
> Don't be silly.

You don't be silly.

> The results might
> vary widely depending on whether the data was transmitted as SJIS,
> EUC or UTF-8, if there is no encoding information.

Because of duplicated shape of 'A' for Latin and Greek capital
letter 'A' and alpha, and because of duplicated encoding of Big5,
encoding information, in general, is no fix for unique conversion
from shape on a paper to internal code.

Don't try to do something proven to be impossible.


							Masataka Ohta

Received on Tuesday, 6 February 1996 22:00:22 UTC