Re: mailserver scheme, third round

Paul Hoffman <> wrote:
>     mailserver:<rfc822-addr-spec>/*[<header>/]/<body>

>Headers are given in RFC822 format, and it is likely (and probably
>preferable) that only a "Subject:" header be included. Headers are given
>without spaces after them, such as "Subject:current-issue".

>The body text may span more than one line. Any "/" character in the body
>should be interpreted by the mail client as a CRLF sequence when
>translating a URL to a mail message.

Just a random thought: RFC822 does not require a space to follow the
delimiting colon of a field name.  So, does this mean that your example
merely describes a Subject field without a leading space?  Or does it
mean that the mailserver URL should always cause a space to be added
in the final message?

Not that this is likely to cause much problems, it's just that the
formulation is not quite clear on this point.

           Stephen R. van den Berg (AKA BuGless).

Up your accumulator.

Received on Monday, 16 January 1995 14:38:26 UTC