Re: On the new header style

Hi Ivan, 

> On 8 Oct 2021, at 10:58 pm, Ivan Herman <> wrote:
> I do like the new header style generated by respec with the detail element. However, there’s something strange about the “More details about this document” label when the content is already expanded when one opens the document. Wouldn't it be more logical to set the detail element to not expanded by default? 

Yes, absolutely. There are various opinion around this and there are a few reasons we left it open for now.
 * it will be closed by default
 * If you open it, PLH is working on script that will remember your choice, so then all w3c or specs will remember the user's choice.

(For me personally, I need them to be always open, as I use those things at the top _a lot_... but for regular users, they probably don't need it). 

> (I was not sure whether this is a respec choice or a default choice for the 2021 style, that is why I have put this on the mailing list and not a respec issue.)

It's an "ongoing discussion"... I actually put this out like this to get this feedback ;) 

> Also, an absolutely bike-shedding level comment, I found the "More details about this document" a bit strange as a label, and also a mouthful. Wouldn't it be better to simply say "About this document"?

Agree... something like that would be better, and would make more sense when it's open. 

 * another option: "Document details"
 * "Additional information"
It be nice to come up with a few more alternatives... 

Received on Wednesday, 13 October 2021 02:25:00 UTC