Re: Respec bugs

These two issues are also solved by selecting FPWD rather than 
FPWD-NOTE, and setting noRecTrack to true.  I added a sentence to the 
user-supplied para in the SOTD to say "The Working Group expects this 
document to become a Working Group Note.", since otherwise respec 
doesn't add anything.

So the moral of the story seems to be to do the three things above if 
you want to publish a FPWD of a document intended to be a WG NOTE.


On 07/05/2013 13:05, Richard Ishida wrote:
> Annoyingly I have to keep fixing a couple of bugs while trying to
> publish a FPWD of a document intended to become a WG NOTE. Where should
> I report them?
> I'll report here for the time being.  Spec status was set to FPWD-NOTE.
> [1] Status boilerplate:
> "This document was published by the Internationalization Working Group
> as a First Public Working Group Note"
> is ambiguous. I think respec should generate:
> "This document was published by the Internationalization Working Group
> as a First Public Working Draft. The group intends to publish this
> document as a Working Group Note"
> [2] Pubrules gives the following error:
> "Error. The W3C style sheet should be
> It is currently
> // "
> RI

Richard Ishida, W3C

Received on Tuesday, 7 May 2013 14:45:26 UTC