Re: center tag in XHTML

Dallas Budden wrote:

>XHTML doesn't show how to create a center. If you use the center tag 
>it will center the item, however, if you try to validate html with a 
>center tag, the center tag is an error. How do you write a center 
>element that will be validated?

Presentational elements and attributes were deprecated in HTML 4 and
thus in XHTML. The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) language is most often
used for presentation. For centering text elements like h1-h6 or p's or
div's I use the CSS rule 'text-align: center;". Tables used to be a
little harder because of browser implementations but I imagine newer
browsers do fine with the CSS margin properties.

If you search the www-style archive [1] I think you'll find discussion
on centering, for example for the search phrase "center table" [2].

If you have a newsgroups client,
comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets has knowledgeable
participants or look for other groups [3] or in the Google groups
archive [4] for comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets.


Hope this helps,
Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Monday, 29 September 2003 03:40:11 UTC