Should we extend xsd:decimal?

Dear Semantic Web community,

an issue has been raised some time ago about the DCAT-3 specification 
[1], related to the use of `xsd:decimal` as the range a property, and 
how a seemingly correct JSON-LD document may produce ill-formed 
`xsd:decimal` literals [2].

Exploring the possible solutions to this issue, I came to the conclusion 

- it is a shame that `xsd:decimal` does not support the E notation [3] 
just like `xsd:double` does, and
- actually, many implementations (of RDF, SPARQL, OWL...) do support the 
E notation for `xsd:decimal`.

I created a github repo at

to document this issue and the current state of implementations, and 
discuss whether updating the normative definition of `xsd:decimal` would 
be a good idea or not.

Please chime in if you are interested




Received on Sunday, 30 October 2022 10:33:23 UTC