RE: vocabulary repos?

Hi Paola,

same as per Simon’s reply. In terms of curation, I might suggest you:

deployment is super easy (you can even just click and run as if it were a desktop tool). You can use it for maintenance.

For visualization and content fruition in general, we have a companion system called PMKI. It hasn’t yet been officially released on a public site, but you can find an example here on some vocabularies for statistics managed by FAO:

Both VocBench and PMKI support OWL, SKOS, SKOS-XL and OntoLex with specific functionalities, and RDF datasets in general

If you are using SKOS, another option is SKOSMOS

All of the three platforms above provide WEB APIs.

You should then consider publishing your vocabulary as a Linked Open Dataset. There are several tools which reduce the work to a minimum and also PMKI and SKOSMOS can be used for that (complemented with some server configuration).

Kind Regards,


From: Paola Di Maio <>
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2020 4:50 AM
To: SW-forum <>
Subject: vocabulary repos?


I am still compiling lists of terms and would like to share them as public heritage

Do people on this list have recommendations somewhere easy yet nicely structured for where to upload or curate online vocabularies?

should be updatable one term at a time, rendered as downloadable xml , access level and privileges and other features welcome

please advise

Received on Thursday, 29 October 2020 09:14:28 UTC