Re: RDF/POST format

Well, I'm just ignoring the unrecognized keys :)

I wonder if the specification could be submitted to the W3C? And get
some status, say Note or something. It's a pity this encoding is not
standardized, because it's really useful.

On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 10:13 PM, Judson Lester <> wrote:
> As specified, it's unclear what a parser should do with unrecognized keys
> (especially before the initial rdf=). It's in the spirit of the
> specification that they should be ignored, but making that explicit would be
> nice.
> Also, the omission of a curie format for lt= is surprising. Something like
> tn= and tv= akin to on= and ov= would make sense, so I've been wondering
> about it being absent.
> Judson
> On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 1:02 PM, Martynas Jusevičius <>
> wrote:
>> Hey Judson,
>> I'm using it extensively for RDF input and have implemented a
>> Jena-based browser:
>> What do you want to extend? I've used it successfully as it is.
>> Martynas
>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 9:56 PM, Judson Lester <> wrote:
>> > I've been using and attempting to implement
>> >
>> >
>> > I've got no idea how official that representation format is, but
>> > attempts to
>> > contact the author have failed. Is it in use anywhere else? Would it be
>> > painful to extend somewhat?
>> >
>> > Judson

Received on Saturday, 25 January 2014 21:31:42 UTC