Re: Best Practice for Renaming OWL Vocabulary Elements

Randomness is a red herring here, possibliy being confused with meanginless
URIs (e.g. numerical ones) that may appear random, but the real issue is
separating the id from the name, as Glenn says below.


On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 4:14 PM, glenn mcdonald <> wrote:

> But this does not meet Glenn's call for randomness I believe.
> I didn't call for randomness, just for clean separation of the machine
> identifiers from the human names.
>> Furthermore the OBI URIs are resolvable (thank you! very much appropriated
>> :-), something that Glenn currently does not consider for his
>> implementations but that's a separate conversation.
> We're not really talking about my system, which isn't implemented in RDF,
> but even if we were, my "identifiers" are local/relative IDs, so combined
> with a base URI they're totally "resolvable".
> glenn

Michael Uschold, PhD
   Senior Ontology Consultant, Semantic Arts
   Skype, Twitter: UscholdM

Received on Thursday, 19 May 2011 01:12:02 UTC