Re: Reasoning over millions of triples - any working reasoners?


Virtuoso deals with owl:sameAs in a scalable way, so you can try. Of
course, a single chain 50 million connections long would cause problems,
but more traditional cases should work fine. Google for "virtuoso
owl:same-as input:inference" may be the fastest way to get more hints.

Best Regards,

Ivan Mikhailov
OpenLink Software

On Tue, 2011-01-18 at 20:20 +0100, Harry Halpin wrote:
> Everyone,
> I've got a big bunch of owl:sameAs statements (about 50 million in
> n-triples) and I want to do some reasoning over them, i.e. look for
> chains of sameAs. Does anyone know of any reasoners that handle that
> amount of data?
> I believe there is an EU project on this (Larkc), but I can't get
> WebPIE working over this data-set for some reason, working it through
> with them right now, but I'd like to know if there's any other
> large-reasoners.
> Otherwise, I'll just have to write some giant hash-table thing myself
> in Perl, but I'd prefer to try too dogfood it :)
>       cheers,
>         harry

Received on Tuesday, 18 January 2011 19:49:02 UTC